Anna Glenn has been designing productive communities - for aesthetic, ecological, and economic benefit - since 1998.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Concept Development - Perspective Sketch

Here are three images to give you an idea of how the layout developed.
My perspective sketch will help visualize the final design. I made it by drawing over a perspective view in SketchUp with pencil, then inking it and finally, coloring by hand with watercolor marker.

Before I created the SketchUp model, I drew a quick sketch of the interaction between the new path and the south-facing wall. While it is not to scale, it demonstrates the relationships between the new path, the espalier trees, and the rain barrels.

These pencil colored images were drawn to visualize possible layouts for the new sidewalk. I considered cutting the White Pine into discs to lay down as stepping blocks. Taking into consideration  water collection areas, and the fact that the rear entrance probably needs a more substantial pathway than one made of wood, I made the decision to reuse the existing concrete as the material for the new path.