Anna Glenn has been designing productive communities - for aesthetic, ecological, and economic benefit - since 1998.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Year in Review

Eight pictures for eight months.

Preping the site for grading and paths in what we're calling the "farm area". (It's difficult to see at the moment with plants in seasonal transition and nearly everything ripped out and piled up in the picture. We've estimated the location of paths, now we're ready to finish the grading and add compost.)


 A strange and beautiful insect (I still need to figure out what it is. I saw it regularly throughout the summer, only on this Sedum.)

 Some of the wheat/rye mix I planted last Fall came back in the spring so we kept it.

As it turns out, our wheat/rye (which was it?), was a beautiful addition to our landscape. It kept the ground covered, shown bright in the sunlight, and waved around in the wind, adding movement that most of our other plants cannot do. 

 Excavating for a path around the strawberries and cold frame. (It is now complete, and very comfortable; pictures to come.)

Everybody remember the Blizzard of February 2011? Of course. Here's a visual reminder so you can prepare for the next; it's projected that Winter 2011 will be much like last year, with the same amount of snowfall.
Finally, have you ever wondered what landscape architects do in the Winter? On that particular day, I went skiing.

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